At Kinherit we take CSR seriously. From inclusion to the environment to our people, we conduct ourselves in a way that is ethical and accountable.
We also believe in the philosophy “anything we do is everything we do” and believe this is what will underpin the long term success of our business.
Our people
We ensure we create an inclusive, diverse and healthy workforce with equal opportunities for all. We also believe in training and development, to support positive career progress as we strive for industry-leading knowledge of Will & Trusts and other End-of-Life Planning aspects.
Our customers
We seek to uphold finance-industry best-practice in dealing with customers and their wishes, and to protect their assets. We are fully compliant with GDPR and perform periodic training of all our employees to deliver best-service.
The environment
We aim to build a lifelong, sustainable and responsible business. This includes the use of remote working (to minimise travel), a predominantly paper-free process and office (excepting Wills which are unavoidably paper based), and leading on other safe ways to manage our impact on the environment.
Modern Slavery:
We respect human rights, and try to ensure that our business operations and supply chain are free from modern slavery, exploitation and discrimination. Should concerns arise we have clear reporting procedures and will strive to combat the abhorrent and unlawful practice.